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Get specific. Get qualified!
Whether you’re a wine pro, studying this amazing drink, or a fan who would like to understand more these courses are for you. A perfect complement to your WSET qualifications or Wine Scholar Guild studies- They are also really interesting for those who are fascinated by a particular wine region or spirit.
Indulge Your Interest
The Asia Pacific Wine and Spirits Institute was set up to further wine and spirit education to hospitality professionals and connoisseurs. Originally aimed at the Asia Pacific region, it’s now a truly global organisation.
Each course they offer is completely self-contained – you can progress through it at your own pace and in your own time. What’s great about them is how they are so focussed. You can take courses in specific types of wine (ice wine, sparkling wine, Port, Cognac and more) as well as specific regions like Argentina, China and The USA – education and qualifications of this calibre and in these specific subjects is difficult to find elsewhere.
These courses are a perfect complement to your WSET qualifications or Wine Scholar Guild studies, for example. They are also really interesting for those who are fascinated by a particular subject.
Each course ends in an exam and on passing, you will become a Certified Wine Specialist. You can group together different courses in order to become a APWASI Certified Professional and there’s an even higher level of certification.